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Jighi Secure Remote Desktop (J-SRD)

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What is J-SRD (Jighi Secure Remote Desktop) ?

J-SRD is a state-of-the-art platform that makes it possible for you to securely and conveniently reach any desktop remotely from anywhere around the world. It is lightweight and easily deployable.

For instance, employees working from home can remotely work on the office computer using just a web browser, helping boost productivity.

J-SRD makes your remote desktop look good on any screen you will be using enabling a consistent experience. You will be able to use J-SRD comfortably across multiple devices including your mobile phone, tablet, and laptop. Furthermore, because J-SRD is a web application, no plugins or software installation is required on your devices.



Because the J-SRD client is an HTML5 web application, the use of your computers is not tied to any device or location. As long as you have access to a web browser, you have access to your machines. With just one click, you can access, configure and manage your devices.

Cloud Computing

Equipment accessible through J-SRD does not need to exist physically. With J-SRD and a cloud-hosted desktop operating system, you can combine the convenience of J-SRD with the flexibility of cloud computing. Sharing information is instant and easy. J-SRD facilitates use and meets the requirements of new, more mobile business models. To access the various resources of the company, your employees only need a terminal and an Internet connection. This allows them to work on their files, wherever they are and at any time.


Remote access to the desktops of your servers or workstations is a great way to manage them. It is also a prime target for hackers. J-SRD is deployed with security mechanisms capable of authorizing incoming connections to your equipment from certain IP addresses. only The administrator can be notified and see the information of connections and active sessions on managed devices. This guarantees very optimal security and the integrity of equipment information.